Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Hi everyone!!

I have a new job at next, which I'm sure most of you have heard of but if you're not from England maybe not. It's a huge chain of shops that sells clothing and homeware etc. I'm really enjoying it, but it's taking up a lot of my time and I am realising that weeks are going by when I haven't managed to get out and take any photos. So as I travel to Brighton today to look at a possible university choice, I am making an effort to take my camera with me, with the hope of taking some good snaps. It's not that I have lost my interest in photography at all, I am still as passionate as ever, but with two part time jobs alongside university applications I am struggling to find the time to blog, vlog, and photograph as much as I would love to. I am hoping to do a review of my new lens ASAP, which is a 50mm 1:14 lens, which I purchased after trying out my friend's 50mm lens and completely falling in love with it! This is the lens I am going to take with me to Brighton today and tomorrow along with my trust worthy 18-105mm!  
I am also hopefully going to have some Brighton photographs for you in the next few days, though I do have a few shifts at work coming up, but I will try my best because I really am missing blogging regularly. Sorry it has taken me such a long time to update, I hope you understand that it's a busy period in my life and manage to stick with me, because I really do love writing these blogs and producing photos! 

Bye for now, and thank you!

Becky x

Brighton courtesy of google. I'm hoping the weather will stay nice enough for me to get some sunny shots! 
 Ready to go!

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