Saturday, 13 July 2013

Blogging and Vlogging

Hi everyone!

I think most of my posts start with the phrase 'sorry I haven't updated in a while' and this one would be starting in a similar way...however I have been updating- in a different place.
I am now on YOUTUBE and so a lot of the things I used to write about in blog posts, (days out, photo shoots etc.) are now recorded in youtube 'vlogs' rather than google 'blogs'.  

I'm a creative person, so for me it's much easier to get my message across in a video than in a blog post because I feel I ramble too much on here. This means I have put a lot more time an effort into recording activities and photoshoots, because I love making videos! This doesn't however mean, that I will be stopping blogging altogether, I enjoy blogging too- but I think there will be more of a balance between youtube and blogger now. I want to continue with my business on a budget series, and will still be uploading photos as regularly as possible but now you can also see room tours, photo shoots and vlogs on my youtube channel which should be just as interesting (if not more). 

I would LOVE it if you could check out my youtube channel, I have a few videos and so many more planned. Subscribing is free-it would mean the world to me if you could click 'subscribe' you will then automatically be updated when I post new content and I wont have to nag you all ;) - and I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments and via the 'like' button. Another thing you can do is share the videos and the video links to your facebook or twitter, this will allow more people to see the videos which would be amazing! I am trying to post a variety of videos on my channel which will hopefully interest everyone, so like I said please check it out. 

To get to my youtube channel simply click this link-

Or to subscribe instantly click this link-

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