Friday, 15 November 2013

Brighton II

After an early rise and a traffic filled journey, we arrived at the beach of sunny Brighton. It was freezing cold don't get me wrong, but sunny- and nobody cares about the temperatures I have to endure when they are looking at my photos, haha! I was very glad I took a pair of gloves because my fingers were numb after a few seconds of photographing!

We stood on a high level, looking out across the beach and while standing there a seagull perched on the railing. The seagulls local to where I live don't want to have anything to do with me, but this one seemed to love the attention of being photographed, so I took my time varying my angles and settings to frame him nicely.

I chose this image because the seagull was facing the right way and his features were nice and sharp, I like the fact that you can see the wheel and pier behind him, which illustrates the surroundings perfectly. The sky is lovely and blue so it looks like the height of summer.. and not mid november! I didn't edit this photo much, I simply cropped it to give it a panoramic feel which emphasises the length of the pier, and I balanced the brightness and contrast to enhance the image.

After the seagull flew away, we walked down to the lower beach level and walked along to the pier. I photographed the wheel, fascinated by the abstract images I was capturing as I altered my angles and positioning around the base. This photo is probably my favourite as it looks quite surreal and abstract. I once again increased the brightness and contrast to really highlight the linear elements of the image.  The sky interests me as well with it's subtle gradient and stark blue, which is quite different to the appearance of the sky in the previous image.

The pier was shut, which was a shame but as I was so desperate to photograph it, that meant that we had to come back later which was actually much better as the light in the early evening was so fantastic (but I didn't know that at this point ).

The whole point of going to Brighton was to visit the university so of course we had to fit that in between the photographing!  Sadly the course wasn't for me, though if you are interested in the university I certainly wouldn't dismiss it as it looked like a good course, just not the perfect one for me. We left earlier than expected for this reason, so we had plenty of time to wander around and take more photos.

This was probably my favourite photo of the day, which I just caught as we were wandering past the end of the road looking for a nice coffee shop...

Later on in the day as the sun was starting to set and the town was filled with a pretty orange glow. I took this opportunity to photography the horizon, focusing on the dramatic clouds and sunbeams. I altered my settings to make the subjects in the foreground appear shadowy and silhouetted against the light.

 I would really like this photo, as I personally think the composition is quite interesting but I didn't realise when taking the photo that my lens was set to manual focus, so the burnt pier is not quite as sharp as I would have liked. 

I think the sky in this photo is beautiful and I really like the silhouette of the couple and the bird, they give a really beautiful touch to this image.

Finally I spotted this puddle which was reflecting the buildings across the road perfectly, so I took my  opportunity to take these reflection shots.

I really hope you like these images

Bye for now

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