Saturday, 12 May 2012

Sunny Days

Hi everyone. I have finished my important exams now, Photography, Art and Graphics which was yesterday. All I have to do now is finish my course work and take my general studies exam, which I cant actually revise for. So I thought I'd do a quick update as I've taken some photos today.
So, I went for a lovely walk in the sun with the dogs and the Rape seed was out so I got some nice photos of that, which I had been planning to photograph for a while. Here are a couple of my favourite shots.

I think again, these images will need to be clicked on to see them in better quality.

Bye for now

All Images In Blog Posts and on belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images


  1. that second one is which I liked the most.. really nice

  2. Thank you :) That is also my favurite. Thanks for reading.

    Bye for now
