Happy bank holiday, hope you're all enjoying your day off. If you live in England you'll be enjoying the typical rainy, holiday weather. We did get a short burst of sunshine about twelve o clock this morning, and luckily this was when I was out with my family looking for bridges. For my Graphics coursework, one of the topics is to promote or celebrate bridges. So I decided to look at the bridges we have locally. We drove all along the river stopping at various points to take photos. I mainly took boring photos to get the idea of the structure and shape of the bridge, so they weren't too interesting. But the bridges were nice, so I thought I'd include a couple of photos anyway.
Now with these particular Images, you do have to click on them or they look really blurry. I just really loved the daffodils and the water with the old Mill behind.
A couple of my viewers come up as living in Suffolk, if that is you, you're probably near enough to visit this place. If you go onto Google Maps and type in Lower Street, Sproughton England, United Kingdom, have a wander around and you should see the Mill, just opposite the Church.
On Google Maps it's just the Mill you can see, but now there is a brand new bridge just next to the Mill, with a footpath that leads you on a lovely river walk. It's quite a gentle river, and I'm pretty sure a bit further up dogs were swimming in it, but if not it's still a nice walk. I don't really live very near sproughton, it took a while to get there, but some of you may be a bit nearer. Worth a visit if you can though I think.
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