Friday, 18 May 2012

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school work, and since I got my provisional lisence I've been going out most evenings driving with my Parents. So I appologise for the lack of updates.

Anyway, due to my current school work amount, I haven't taken many photos worth blogging about. So I had a look through my photos from a while ago and found these, from lake windemere....

I love the way in this photo the sun glitters on the water's surface. I couldn't do that view justice with my camera. It was just so stunning.

This was a small section of the lake, and the sky was just reflected perfectly, there was a
slight breeze, causing the ripples.

This was a sunset from blackpool sea front. It was lovely to see, because I live in the East so we
only ever se the sun rising ovver the sea. It was lovely to see it set, on the Horizon.

Once again sorry it's a bit boring but hope you enjoy it. I will update soon. Tuesday is my last exam and thursday is my coursework deadline. So after that there will be loads more updates.

Bye for now

All images belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images

Also if you can, I'd apreciate any donations to my fundraising for Race for life. If you can donate anything please go to -

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