Friday, 1 June 2012

I'm Back!

I'm back! It's been a while since I did a good blog post so this one will probably be a long one.
I now have twitter on my mobile so I can tweet anywhere and anytime, but sadly I still can't blog from my mobile, it doesn't seem to work. Its been hard, therefore, to keep you all updated. I've obviously had exams, when they were done my laptop died and went into repair, then I went to stay with my Grandparents and couldn't really blog there, now I'm back, working for the next few days and then I'm going to the lake district till wednesday.  So I think after wednesday I should be blogging more regularly again.

Anway! I just want to say a quick thank you for the support I've had, even when I haven't been blogging- the tweets, followers and emails to tell me that your all still reading is really great! So thanks.

So, I mentioned that I had been staying with my Grandparents.  They live in Kent, a little way away from me so it was a great oppurtunity to get out and about and visit places I hadn't been to before. One of those places was wingham wildlife park. One of my favourite photographics subjects are animals, so I was really keen to visit this park.
I think it was about £11 pounds for adults (15+) which I didn't think was too bad considering the amount of animals they had there- Penguins, Lions, Tigers and an enclosure you could walk through and meet (and get your feet licked by) the lemurs :D.
It was a really lovely, sunny day and I took loads of photos, particularly of the lemurs as we could get so close to them. I'll just put in some of the best shots...

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