Friday, 18 May 2012

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school work, and since I got my provisional lisence I've been going out most evenings driving with my Parents. So I appologise for the lack of updates.

Anyway, due to my current school work amount, I haven't taken many photos worth blogging about. So I had a look through my photos from a while ago and found these, from lake windemere....

I love the way in this photo the sun glitters on the water's surface. I couldn't do that view justice with my camera. It was just so stunning.

This was a small section of the lake, and the sky was just reflected perfectly, there was a
slight breeze, causing the ripples.

This was a sunset from blackpool sea front. It was lovely to see, because I live in the East so we
only ever se the sun rising ovver the sea. It was lovely to see it set, on the Horizon.

Once again sorry it's a bit boring but hope you enjoy it. I will update soon. Tuesday is my last exam and thursday is my coursework deadline. So after that there will be loads more updates.

Bye for now

All images belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images

Also if you can, I'd apreciate any donations to my fundraising for Race for life. If you can donate anything please go to -

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Sunny Days

Hi everyone. I have finished my important exams now, Photography, Art and Graphics which was yesterday. All I have to do now is finish my course work and take my general studies exam, which I cant actually revise for. So I thought I'd do a quick update as I've taken some photos today.
So, I went for a lovely walk in the sun with the dogs and the Rape seed was out so I got some nice photos of that, which I had been planning to photograph for a while. Here are a couple of my favourite shots.

I think again, these images will need to be clicked on to see them in better quality.

Bye for now

All Images In Blog Posts and on belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images

Monday, 7 May 2012

Bank Holiday bridge chase...

Happy bank holiday, hope you're all enjoying your day off. If you live in England you'll be enjoying the typical rainy, holiday weather. We did get a short burst of sunshine about twelve o clock this morning, and luckily this was when I was out with my family looking for bridges. For my Graphics coursework, one of the topics is to promote or celebrate bridges. So I decided to look at the bridges we have locally. We drove all along the river stopping at various points to take photos. I mainly took boring photos to get the idea of the structure and shape of the bridge, so they weren't too interesting. But the bridges were nice, so I thought I'd include a couple of photos anyway.

Now with these particular Images, you do have to click on them or they look really blurry. I just really loved the daffodils and the water with the old Mill behind.

A couple of my viewers come up as living in Suffolk, if that is you, you're probably near enough to visit this place. If you go onto Google Maps and type in Lower Street, Sproughton England, United Kingdom, have a wander around and you should see the Mill, just opposite the Church.
On Google Maps it's just the Mill you can see, but now there is a brand new bridge just next to the Mill, with a footpath that leads you on a lovely river walk. It's quite a gentle river, and I'm pretty sure a bit further up dogs were swimming in it, but if not it's still a nice walk. I don't really live very near sproughton, it took a while to get there, but some of you may be a bit nearer. Worth a visit if you can though I think.
All Images In Blog Posts and on belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images

Friday, 4 May 2012

Joanna's Photography Blog

Hi everyone!

I have a little favour to ask of you all. Will you Please check out Joanna's Photography blog-

She is one of my best friends at school, and studies photograhy with me. I told her today to start a photography blog like me, because her photos are great. She's already put one on for you all to see, so have a look. She hasn't blogged before so lets all help her out. Please email her and view her blog I'm sure you'll really like it, especially when she starts posting more!

Email Jo at-

I know she'd really appreciate your (kind) comments and followers :)

Thanks everyone.

Bye for now

Canon EOS1100D

As most of you know, I have the Nikon D7000 which I absolutely love, but before I decided on this camera, I did have the Canon EOS1100D on my wish list....

When I first started photography A level in September, I knew I would need to upgrade my camera, but I didn't really know where to start. The school had just bought two new digital camera's for the photography department, as well as some film cameras. The digital cameras were both Canon 1100D's, and everybody wanted one. I was lucky enough to borrow one over one weekend to practice using a DSLR. I experimented with all the settings, but I really took advantage of the fast shutterspeeds. My dog's often get to a stage in the evening when they fight, not seriously, just play fighting. They leap around and run up and down the living room, and often I had seen dramatic shots in my head, but I'd never been able to capture the action because using a fast shutterspeed would make my images really dark, even if I used flash.
So, it was really great for me to have a go with the canon, and I was quite impressed with the results.

It was certainly an improvement from results on my previous camera, but the images still lacked a little sharpness.

I had a go at some pretty random still shots mainly of my dogs, to compare and see if the images got any sharper.

I was pretty impressed as they looked sharp on the digital display, but when I actually saw them full scale on the computer screen, they just lost a little sharpness again.

When I spoke to the people in Camera shops they did recommend Canons and Nikons, but seemed to direct me more towards a Nikon. I remember one man saying "All Canon bodies are practically the same, despite the price. So you might as well go for a Nikon."
I think the 1100D was about 500 pounds, I started to look at the 600D and the 60D (also Canon)
and really liked both, then I lookd at the 7D, and fell in Love. It wasn't until I held the 7D that I realised I couldn't have it, as it was far too heavy for me :) That is really when I started looking at the Nikons. I found the NikonD7000, and loved everything about it, so that's why I got it.

But if you are looking for a very good but not pro DSLR, I would recommend the Canon1100D. I thought it took some really good shots. I took some great photos of some friends, but I dont have permission to use them on here, so you'll have to trust me on that :)

Find out more about the Canon EOS1100D and all the other Canon Camera's here...

For the Canon 1100D-

For Nikon Products-

I also follow Nikon on twitter-

There should be a twitter for the UK, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Bye for now.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Fay Godwin

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Fay Godwin in a previous post, but I just wanted to write a little about her because I am currently studying her work in photography, and I think she's brilliant. She does a lot of landsape photography, mainly black and white film photography, but she did do a secret lives series, and beach series which I think are my Favourites.
I thought I'd Include some of her photos fom the Secret Lives series. I think I included one of her photos in the 'Some of my favourite photos' blog post. -

There is something really magical about her photos. They make me think of Thumblina, haha!

If you like Fay Godwin's work, and would like to know more, she has a couple of books of her photos. I borrowed the book  titled 'Landmarks' from my photography teacher in order to do some further research. The book has about 200 pages of her photos on high quality paper, which is really lovely, and it also has an essay by Roger Taylor ( I'm assuming not the one from Queen as it says he is a Photogaphic historian) and an introduction by Simon Armitage, who is a famous poet I studied at GCSE level English.

That is the book i borrowed. You can purchase this book for about £40 on amazon, or other online sites. It is a lot of money but a very nice book.
The other books I found were 'Land' which seems to be about £20. But if you search Fay Godwin Books, you should find them.

Bye for now