Hello everyone! I think I will be updating fairly regularly now as I have a blogger app which makes it soooooo much easier to update.
Basically, yesterday I told you about the wedding I was photographing, and the first of my commissioned work, and this got me really excited about my gap year, and what I want to so. I don't know if I explained my situation, but I didn't really find a university I liked enough to commit to for three-four years. I really liked the course at Coventry, but I didn't like the accommodation really and the city was ok, but I wasn't really wowed, and I know that for the amount that university costs to attend now, I really needed to 100% love the places I applied to. So, I decided to take a year out, go to loads of open days, expand my portfolio and get some work experience, but as I kept thinking about it I sort of went off the idea of university at all, not sure why I just didn't think that for me personally, it was the best idea. So, I looked into the possibilities of starting a business. Now part of my business plan is to start making youtube videos, about photography, a-levels, gap years, university alternative options, etc. so I don't want to delve too much into all of that because I want to save some things for the videos.
But what this blog post is really about is my gap year, I got really excited about my small 'jobs'. (I got paid so technically they are jobs, but I guess it's not regular work at the moment). I haven't even left school and I've already had two paid jobs, which is exciting for me because I'm gonna be honest here, these jobs were sort of handed to me, I didn't go out searching for them, but I feel regardless I have made my way into the photography ladder, baby steps at a time.
I plan to get an iMac for my 18th birthday, and my parents said I could have a spare room in our house for an office, so I can spruce if up and give it a lick of paint in about two weeks time, when I am on holiday. I ordered business cards yesterday, and I am getting very over excited as I keep saying. I have huuggeee plans.
The point to this post really, is just to say that I will be setting up a business, selling prints and personalised work, but there will be detailed posts and links available to view soon, and I will blog about my new office and the redecoration process. Hopefully about the wedding, the iMac and any progress I make with my business. I will try and keep you all informed of the process, and will update as often as possible.
A after all that, expect we posts, possible videos and a website! Eeekk! Exciting stuff :)
Bye for now
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