I know I briefly mentioned apps, in my Christmas Day post but I wanted to give you a quick list of my favourite photography apps. I can't arrange my photo order on here so I will put the apps in the same order as the photos at the bottom enjoy...
Firstly, Instagram! I love love love Instagram. Please feel free to read my previous post where I explain my reasons for this, I don't want to repeat myself. My Instagram is @beckyweale if you want to follow, I will follow back! I'd love to hear from you if you followed me after reading this, so leave a comment on one a photo, telling me if you followed me after reading this and ill give you a shout out! I'd love to hear from you. ;)
Second- pad gram, similar to Instagram but specifically designed for the iPad rather than the iPhone or iPod touch. I really like pad gram as you can easily view a large selection of photos, and you can quickly see likes and comments on each photo, but I think I still prefer Instagram. I find it easier to navigate personally.
Third- pic joiner! I love this app! It does what it says on the tin, it joins your pictures which can be super useful if you have more than one photo you want to upload or you just think particular photos look better as a series etc. if I am cooking I like using this app because I can take photos of the process, and the end result and I don't have to upload 4 different photos. I also like combining photos when I have been with my friends and I want to 'summarise' (if that is the right word) all the photos from our day. Whatever you want to use it for, I'm sure you'll find something it's great!
Fourth- fat booth, which isn't really a photography app, but it's really fun and especially for children it can be a right laugh! (This list isn't in order by the way or this app would be a bit further down).
Fifth- vintage cam. I like this app because you can put loads filters on your photos, like Instagram filter which I love, but without needing Instagram. They make dull photos look really creative and 'vintage'! ;)
Sixth- group photo. Now, I was sceptical about this app, but it is rather clever actually, and much quicker than sig photoshop which I used to have to do before. Lets say you've taken two photos, of the same people, in the same place but you look good in only one, and your friend looks good in the other one. Problem right? Nope! This app allows you to swap your head! Haha sounds crazy I know, but you can literally switch your beautiful face with your slightly less beautiful face to create a perfect image of two perfect faces ;) I love this app, because I always blink in photos.
Seventh- iPhoto! My favourite app by far!! I think is app is like £2-3.00 but is really worth it. It's one of the apps that comes with an iMac if you have one, so I've heard. There is a great tutorial on this app on youtube, http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3HKgK6iupls . It has some really quick and easy editing options, filters etc. you can adjust colour, remove spots, brighten and darken areas, remove redeye etc. every basic thing you need to do to a photo. It's not particularly advanced, you wouldn't replace your desktop photoshop with it, but for a cheap app it's extremely good!
Eighth- photoshop! I have photoshop touch, and photoshop express. Photoshop express was free I think, and touch was £6.99. I was expecting great things from photoshop touch and as far as apps go it didn't disappoint. You loose a lot from the full desktop version, but you can still add layers, you've got filters, selection tools, clone stamp, blurs etc. everything you need for basic editing. So it's pretty good. Having said that though, sadly for seven pounds I open iPhoto more than I open photoshop.
Finally- mega photo. Which is just plain fun. There are hundreds of filters and effects to make you laugh! You can upgrade for like £2 if you want more. It's just a laugh really nothing too technical ;)
Unless mentioned, these are free so enjoy! These are just my personal favourites, let me know what you like and don't like!
Bye for now
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