Sunday, 15 July 2012

The olympic Torch

Well it is just under two weeks until the Olympics officially start! I wasn't really planning to get involved, I don't have any tickets and I'm not really a sports fan, but I did find myself getting a little bit excited at the the thought of the torch coming through my home town. As I waited in the crowded streets with hundreds of other cheerful people, I started to get even more excited. Camera at the ready, free bottle of coke from the huge coca cola van that squeezed it's way through the streets, I was prepared to get some great shots. The torch was running late which gave me an opportunity to get some candid shots of the crowds, and capture the atmosphere. I'm not sure I'm allowed to use those photos though because I don't have permission from the people in them!
Anyway, I set my camera up and also put it onto a burst mode, so that I could capture the fast movement of the runner. I lined it up perfectly, and got my finger ready to press the button and..It didn't focus! Typical hey? It kept re-adjusting and focusing on the bodyguards and security members around the torch bearer. I couldn't believe it! I desperately tried to flick it on to manual focus, but the runner was too fast and before long, all I could see was the back of her head as she ran towards the park. I wasn't too disappointed, I'd seen her, I'd witnessed history and it was really cool, but I was a bit frustrated that I'd missed a shot I'd been waiting an hour and a half for! I guess this kind of thing comes with time, I'm still learning how to capture those moments but maybe in another four years I'll catch the torch.
They are not terrible photos, just not as clear as I'd hoped! :)

And if you compare it to my brother's photo (admittedly taken on a mobile phone) it doesn't look too bad! Haha! Sorry Dave! ;D


My Brother's Photo.

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