I decided to blog today about my exhibition, which was last night. Remember me telling you that I coudn't put my work online because they were for my exam etc etc etc.... but I assume now the exhibition is over, I can. So I am going to Include photographs of my art exhibition and my Graphic Design exhibition too. I am not going to include photography because I don't currently have the final images saved on my laptop, they are at school. (so when I get them, I'll upload them).
I'll talk you through the images a bit aswell.
This is my unit 1 final work for Art. This is actually about six foot tall, to give you some kind of impression of the size. It is all pencil and it took about 5 months to do ( Not constantly of course). The theme was twisted and intertwined and I clearly decided to look at hair, and the idea of plaits twisting and intertwining. I started with the head and just a couple of plaits, then decided to keep adding them so it became more and more surreal. The cracks in the face were to add to the sense of surrealness, and the impression if it being a porcelein doll.
The next two images are from my unit two art work.
The theme here was facial expressions, and I was strongly advised to step outside of my comfort zone for these pieces. I normally do quite tight, controlled work- so I did these in a very expressive and experimental style. They are supposed to work together as a set of two. The images were of friends of mine, I photocopied their faces when they were portraying an emotion, and cropped sections of them.
To achieve the effects seen, I used tissue paper and dry brushed paint over it, which worked well. For the faces I used about twenty or more different shades of green, with a few blues, purples and yellow tones. And obviously on the blue face I used 20 or so different shades of blue, building little areas of colour with a small brush. I know a lot of people will look at these and be very unimpressed, but for me, I am proud because they took a lot of effort :L haha... and to be honest I wasn't overly thrilled with the choice in themes! :L
Well I hope you enjoyed the little insight into my artistic world! I will probably do a similar post soon with my graphics work and then with photography... but I am so tired I can't write anymore...
Bye for now
All images are (©Copyright to becky-iblog-becky images)