Sunday, 15 April 2012

Macro Photography

Everybody knows that nature is beautiful, but I guess only a certain selection of people get to go out every day and experience that beauty close up. Photographers are part of that selection, and until I started taking photos for myself, I never really appreciated it. Yes I'd look at a flower, and think "that's pretty" but, until I got my first camera, I never saw the exquisite detail, close up. I love macro photography, I think out of all it is my favourite, being able to zoom into something the human eye can barely see, and then look it at in all it's perfection, is an amazing thing. It's always been a interest of mine, zooming in and finding interesting sections of an image, getting as close as you like. I dont currently have a Macro lens, because the one I ordered came in the wrong size, so it didn't fit my DSLR, but I have access to good lenses and cameras at school, and my dad has a good one too.

What exactly is Macro Photography?

Taken and Quoted from -
"Macro photography is a term used for close up photos. It is a term applied to most close up photos but should actually only be applied to photos which have a 1:1 or closer magnification.Macro is a great area of photography as you can take macro shots where ever you are. Find small details of larger objects to create abstract looking images, or maybe you want to take pictures of creepy crawlies like spiders and beetles (my favourite subject) or maybe close ups of flowers."

Check out that website for more information, or just type 'What is Macro Photography?" Into the Google search engine.

 Bye for now

All Images In Blog Posts and on belong to © becky-iblog-becky-images

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