Hi everyone,
It has been a long time since I wrote a blog post... sorry! I have been so busy though. I was planning to update you on my office, and my computer and all my business things but, the week I moved in to my office, I started 3 projects for the final stretch of my A-levels and everything went a bit chaotic. So, 5 sketchbooks and 30 hours of exams later, I can see the end and I only have my 15 hour art exam left. On wednesday everything will be done and I am free to update as often as possible. I hope you guys can forgive me for leaving for such a long time, but I have some things to update you on and I don't know if I mentioned that I am having a gap year... well, I am! So that year out from school and education should give me plenty of time to make lots of new blog posts and I am planning to branch into the world of Youtube too.
I have a LOT of plans for my gapyear and I did already mention setting up my business and a few of my plans for my gap year, I mentioned my first wedding shoot and things like that. So you already have a rough idea of what I should be doing but if you haven't seen those posts click this link - http://becky-iblog-becky.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/gap-year-and-business.html - and have a read.
So, like I said I have done my first wedding and that was really great and really boosted my confidence- though it was really stressful. After I did that wedding, I set up a website with weebly.com to allow the wedding guests to view the photos in an online gallery. I hope to expand this website and put a lot more photos on there so that it becomes the home of my business. There are not many photos on there yet, but feel free to click the link and check it out as I will be uploading on there as regularly as possible.
http://beckywealephotography.weebly.com .
I mentioned how I planned to make videos and this is still on the cards for me. I want to branch out into the world of Youtube, but I think that is going to take a bit more courage as I have never done anything like that before. I think starting this blog was a great way for me to practise speaking to people and about the things I love and I want to do this in video form, because a) I have loads of ideas for fun videos and b) I don't know if people can really be bothered to read all of my rambling blog posts. I am learning to use iMovie on my new computer, so this should help me with this plan. Watch this space.
My office- Now I did mention before and after photos, and room tours and things like this and I have not forgotten I just haven't found the time until now, because my room keeps getting messy every time I go to work on my sketchbook or something. I spend hours making it look nice and beautiful, as I really do think it is a lovely space and I am so grateful to have it- I have lots of photos, a beautiful fish tank and a hand-built desk, it's just perfect and I really cant thank my parents enough for letting me create this space- but whenever I spend a lot of time in here, painting and drawing and trimming photos and research for my sketchbooks it just looks like a dump! So... I really want to upload photos of it at it's best. I have a few photos that I will put together and upload in the next post though, so you can get a rough idea of what it looks like.
Becky x